Knowing that the Universal Law is all about " Cause and Effect" it is not surprising that we are experiencing all of these deep emotional manifestations in a World that we collectively created through our past beliefs, thoughts and actions. Many of these beliefs have been passed along from Father to Son during many generations. We simply can look at humanity's history to see that this has been the case. A baby child does not arrive in this World with hatred, racism and preconceived beliefs about their fellow human beings. Just look at very young children playing together to realize that they do not see a different color or culture in other children, they only want to play with each other!
Attitudes and behaviors are generated from our deep core beliefs. Beliefs generate attitudes, attitudes generate behaviors, and all of these generate results. How do we like the results so far? Fear based beliefs cannot generate positive results. What we have sown has simply caught up with us and we are reaping the manifestations of those beliefs. Many are deep rooted and " unconscious", but they are now surfacing and screaming out to be heard finally adressed and hopefully transformed!
Life has sent us many challenging issues to be dealt with lately in a very short period of time, we've even been literally sent to our rooms! The questions are: " Are we listening? Are we doing something about these challenging issues and most of all, are we ready and willing to address our beliefs so that the results can finally be transformed once and for all? Life expresses itself through every forms of life, however, the disrespect for life itself has become flagrant and has been brought to our attention during these challenging times in a big and huge way!
Many centuries of treating our fellow brothers and sisters like cattle, tearing them away from their homes and families, actually destroying their homes and families, cannot bring forth positive results. We have sown violence, greed, disrespect and abuse, using men, women and children like animals for the profit and empowerment of the select few. Torturing, raping and murdering our own so that the Ego's illusion of superiority and thirst for power can be constantly fed.
The Ego's hunger will never be satisfied. Ego will always need and want more. So let's ask ourselves : " When did we allow Life itself to become so trivial and even disposable? How are we treating Nature, animals and our Mother that feeds us, our Planet? What core beliefs are we nuturing concerning those that have a different color skin, or from a different culture or faith that differs from or own? Who decided that only white people, or followers of a certain religion have value and are considered superior to others?
Our creator, our life source, is expressed through all forms of life. We are all ideas and expressions of this divine life source. Therefore, all should be treated with respect and honor, because each and very single one of us have a role to play in this magnificent " mozaïque" called humanity. Remove one single color, and the work of art has lost it's beauty and integrity.
Hearts are opening, the collective " consciousness" is awakening and we are now seeing more and more people expressing their pain and frustration all over the World. Humanity is tired and needs to heal ! Tired of all of the injustice, pain and sorrow caused by " unconscious" beliefs, attitudes and behaviors.
So how do we turn this around?
By opening and reconnecting with our hearts, that is where Truth resides. " Love" is our only way out and the only path to our collective healing. "Love for ourselves and for others. " Forgiveness" towards ourselves and others, is the beginning of our collective healing. Becoming " conscious" of the core beliefs that we have been nurturing collectively for a very long time, and being willing to transform these with " love based" beliefs, these will in turn transform our attitudes and behaviors and thus generate positive and long term results.
This begins with each and everyone of us, we can " ALL" make a difference, because we "ALL" matter!
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