Testimonial from a reader of : A Transformational Journey- A Path to Self Discovery

Testimonial from a reader of : A Transformational Journey- A Path to Self Discovery I wanted to share with you that on Saturday I finally had an opportunity to pick up your book & start reading it.I was amazed at what I was reading. Many of your referrals remind me of what I have read & followed with THE Secret another amazing book/DVD and conference. Very spiritual and liberating.Bravo! I couldn't put it down but unfortunately had to but I can't wait to complete it. Although I haven't finished it I needed to tell you the energy I felt & how obvious it was to me this was very special. Each one of us with a cover but yet layers and layers of various experiences from our childhood into our journey/path into this life.You have no idea whom this person sitting right in front of you is really like.Creatures of Habit quick to make assumptions/opinions/judgment but having started to read your personal life I am more intrigued and have a great admiration for you. Thank you, Assunta P.
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