Where did all the caring and charity go? ( This is a true story)

Where did all the caring and charity go? ( This is a true story) I was driving back one recent afternoon after having delivered a full day of coaching sessions. The sky was a typical December grey as it was filled with rain clouds. I was stuck in the usual rush hour traffic and I chose to turn on the radio. On that particular late afternoon, I was feeling a bit drained and tired. When I feel that way, naturally during these moments, my mood becomes less then positive. Listening to the news on the radio certainly did not contribute to my feeling any better! Actually, I had to turn it off, because I began to feel worse! All I heard about was the present chaos in our Federal Government (due to lack of integrity), as well as the chaos in our global economy (again due to lack of integrity) and this went on and on. Then to add pain to injury, I witnessed something that I had trouble accepting and could not comprehend. An ambulance with lights flashing, siren on, was trying to makes it way through the traffic, and no one moved! Not one individual gave this ambulance a chance to move ahead. No one seemed to even care? I could not believe my eyes. Once it got to the closest exit, it had to get off of the Metropolitain, to be on its way. I sat there in my car, and asked myself out loud « what is going on with humanity? Hello, does anyone care out there? Is there anyone who can focus for once on the needs of other human beings instead of only on one self? » I felt angry and quite frankly a bit discouraged! These moments happen to me once in a while, however, I am grateful that I have the distinctions and tools to not remain in that state of mind for very long. As usual, when I ask a question, the Universe is always very quick to respond! When I got back to my office, the telephone rang. One of my close friends called to see how I made out with a particular project. We both shared our recent events and then right before ending our conversation the answer to my questions came. He said: « you know what Ghislaine, there is this man who is nailed to wheelchair due to his suffering with Multiple Sclerosis, who is always sitting in front of a Subway restaurant in my area. I love to stop and chat with him. He’s been in that same spot for a very long time. He shares with me stories that warm my heart. Just this afternoon a young lady that works at this particular Subway restaurant, crossed the street and gave him a $20 dollars Subway gift card that was purchased for him by one of their customers. The customer asked that it be given to him so that he may remain anonymous, he wanted this man to be able to pay for several meals at this restaurant. Also recently another man walked up to him and offered him a brand new pair of special winter gloves that were conceived and made for people in wheelchairs to be used during winter months. Another woman walked up to him and asked what she could give him, he mentioned he would love to receive a particular CD, which she found and gave to him afterwards. He also shared how a person last year, invited him to his home for dinner between Xmas and New Year’s! » By hearing these stories, I felt like my soul came back to life. It warmed my heart and gave me hope in humanity once more. My friend also found out that this same man writes wonderful poems and shares these with the different people who stop on a regular basis to converse with him. These poems seem to touch these people’s hearts. Therefore my friend made this man realize that he has a great gift and talent which must be shared with humanity. He asked him to get to work and prepare his first book of poems and stories that he will be happy to have published for him. I thanked my friend for sharing all of this with me, for uplifting my spirit and making me realize that love and charity are still alive in our world. Wouldn’t it be great, if these types of stories made the headlines in the news instead of all of the negative ones that lower our spirits and create doubt and despair within our world? My intention for all of us during this new Holiday Season and during this new coming year is that the spirit of Xmas, of love and charity, be at work within us all. May it also inspire each and every one of us to stop and be more present to all of our brothers and sisters who are in need of our caring and good deeds. Merry Xmas to all and God bless all of humanity!
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