The Power of Faith

The Power of Faith FAITH is a word we often hear.  Even though we know the meaning of this word, understanding it or truly experiencing it in our lives, is a whole different paradigm! The meaning of Faith as per Webster's dictionary: " Belief, trust, to confide in. The assent of the mind to the truth of what is declared by another, resting on his authority and veracity, without other evidence of any kind." I must admit, I've been tested many times in that particular area of my life, and quite frankly, I am not sure if I will someday truly master this particular way of being.  At times, it is a great challenge for me. To say that we have faith, means to never entertain any doubts.  Complete faith means, to believe even though the evidence or the results are still yet unseen. Not an easy task! There is one sentence that I absolutely love from the movie: "Santa Claus" with Tim Allen.  When one of the Elves says to him: « Adults think that seeing is believing, when actualy, BELIEVING IS SEEING.» A lot of wisdom in these few simple words. Young children believe, even though they do not yet see! When creating our dreams, goals and objectives, it is not enough to simply create a plan and take action, it is important to believe in them and to visualize these regularly. We must perservere until they become manifest in our lives. It is easy to keep the Faith when everything seems to be working out. The challenge is to keep the Faith, when for a time, things do not seem to be going in the right direction. To not be able to trust or have any Faith in anyone or anything, means that we are doomed to live a life dominated by doubt. Faith give us hope, energy and the will to go on. Doubt or fear, not only diminishes our vital energy, but sabotages any possibility that our desired dreams could come about. "Fear knocked at the door, Faith answered and no one was there!" Believe in yourself, and in your dreams. Take a few minutes every day to be with these, visualize them and feel them, and trust that the Universe is conspiring with you into bringing forth the fruits of your creative powers as well as your Faith.
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