A Transformational Journey- A Path to Self Discovery, now on sale on Amazon.ca

A Transformational Journey- A Path to Self Discovery, now on sale on Amazon.ca A Transformational Journey- A Path to Self Discovery, is now available on Amazon.ca: Amazon Kindle e-book link : http://www.amazon.com/dp/B004LGTRW6 Amazon printed book version: http://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/1616111496 In this book, you will discover: - A tremendous inner power that will move you forward on your journey of self-discovery - What your personal journey is all about - What you truly wish to accomplish in this life - What has been holding you back - Enriching tools that will assist you during your ongoing journey » Feeling like a victim, living in a loveless world, quite honestly I did not want to go on in a life and a world filled with selfishness and indifference. Unfortunately, that is how I perceived my world at that time. Little did I know, that the journey was far from over and that I would soon discover a whole new world, one of infinite love and possibility…that on the contrary, my journey was just beginning ».
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Chronique de coaching

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3e caractéristique d'une culture d'entreprises à succès : " Une culture de Feedback"
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2e caractéristique d'une culture d'entreprise à succès: " Une communication efficace".
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La 1ère caractéristique des entreprises à succès
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