Our Beliefs are Generating our Present Results!

Our Beliefs are Generating our Present Results! If you do not like the results you've been manifesting so far, you need to start paying attention to your beliefs about the situation, the person, or the circumstances. Where do the results come from? FROM INTENTION! And intention is created from our beliefs. Beliefs are the source of our Attitudes and Attitudes are the source of our Behaviours which in turn generate our Results. The true meaning of insanity is: "To constantly make the same choices ( which are inspired by our beliefs by the way), which in turn inspire us to do the same actions and be completely surprised that we obtain the same results!" It's like always making the same recipe, eating the same dish, and getting to the point you cannot even see this dish anymore. Just like a recipe, if we change a few ingredients we wind up with a completely different meal. Like the changing of ingredients in a long time recipe, by simply changing our old beliefs, the ones that we have been constantly hanging on to, we automatically will be inspired to take on new actions and guess what...we wind up with brand new results! We are not always aware of the beliefs that are controlling our lives and our choices. It requires that we take the time to pay attention to the « Inner Conversations» that we are having with ourselves. The ones that keep us small. The ones that dictate to us that «We Can't» do something, that « We Are Not Good Enough» or «Not competent enough», etc. These beliefs prevent us from creating brand new results. As human beings, we will constantly be creating Beliefs. Why not create some that empower us instead of those that make us feel powerless! Ones that resemble: « I Can do anything I put my mind to», « I am unstoppable», « I am powerful», « I am competent and intelligent», etc. We have the choice of who we wish to be and what we want to create. It simply requires that we start being very present to whether or not our inner conversations are aligned with the results that we truly want and desire. Are they? Only one way to find out! Become conscious of what you have been saying to yourself on a constant basis! Consciousness, is Power. When you constantly pay attention to your inner voice and when it speaks louder then the outer noises and circumstances, you will have mastered your life!
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