Are you living up to your true and highest potential?

Are you living up to your true and highest potential? Ever read of job description that excited you and said to yourself, that’s me; only to find yourself sinking into self doubt a few seconds later, letting the fear kick in and beginning to drown in the: « I am not good enough syndrome?» To help explain this concept of predestination versus predisposition, we can say that it was predestined that the law of gravity would be discovered, but that doesn’t mean Isaac Newton was predestined to discover it! True, his scientific background and his temperament lent him a strong predisposition to make the discovery, but he was not preordained to do so. It was predestined that someone would someday break the four-minute mile barrier, but it was not predetermined that Roger Bannister would be the one. Yes, because of his motivation and training, he was predisposed to do it, but so were many others. We can also say that it was predestined that humans would someday fly. The laws of areodynamics always existed, so it was inevitable that someone would eventually discover them. The Wright Brothers were certainly not predestined to be the way-showers in flight. Yes they had a strong predisposition, but they were not preordained. All of the above examples represent how these accomplishments were available to everyone. It is the predisposition of these people combined with their commitment and belief in what they were doing that made all of the difference. They CHOSE to pursue these ideas and dreams and turned them into realities. We all have within us what I like to call,«divine potential». However, fear not only prevents us from living up to this true potential within each and everyone of us, it makes us forget our predisposition to create what we truly want to accomplish in our lives. Fear destroys our will to move forward and do whatever we need to do to turn our ideas and dreams into realities.This «divine potential» is alive within each of us. It requires that we tap into it and become one with it’s inspiration and ideas within us. We were born to express these ideas. Basically, we were born to create. There are so many way-showers that walked this earth, accomplishing wonderful things. Our quality of life would not be what it is today if these people did not pursue the inspiration and ideas that were made alive within them. They chose to be «unreasonable» and pursue their dreams. To be unreasonable does not mean to be irresponsable, these are two very different distinctions. To be unreasonable means to dare to think outside of the box. To think out of your daily routines and limited beliefs about yourself , others and your world. If a real person had not climbed Mt. Everest, it would still seem unreachable to us. But one real person climbed it, which means that it can now be climbed by other people. In order to truly fulfill that special dream or follow the inspiration living within you, it requires that you first become one with it. That you truly merge and become one with your «divine potential». It requires faith and commitment to follow through on each idea and inspiration born within you requiring that you take action. What action can you take now that will put you on the path you long so much to explore? What is missing for you to get on to that path and move forward, one step at a time? This is the beginning of a brand New Year, perfect time to begin creating your new plan of action. What could you do if only you would?
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