Cause and effect, the law that never lies!

Cause and effect, the law that never lies!

Cause and effect, the law that never lies!

The law which governs the universe is absolutely reliable and unbreakable.

The law which governs the universe is absolutely reliable and unbreakable. Learning how it works is crucial to your success.

It was the late 1800s and an important member of the British Parliament was hurrying through the rain and fog of the bleak Scottish countryside to deliver a crucial speech. Still miles from his destination, his carriage was forced off the road, its wheels plunging deep in the mud. Try as they might, the horse and driver could not move the carriage. So important was his speech that even the aristocratic Englishman, in his formal attire, gave a hand. But it was no use. The carriage would not budge.

A young Scottish farm boy happened to be driving a team of horses past the distraught parliamentarian and volounteered to help pull the carriage lose. After much effort and considerable exertion, the carriage was finally pulled free. When the boy steadfastly refused to take money for his help or for his clothes which were torn and dirty from the ordeal, the Englishman asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up.

"A doctor, sir. I want to be a doctor", was his reply. The gentleman was so impressed with the boy and so grateful for his kindness that he said: "Well, I want to help."And surely enough, he kept his word. Through his generosity, he made it possible for the young lad to attend university.

More than fifty years later, Winston Churchill became dangerously ill with pneumonia while in Morocco. His life was saved by a wonder drug called penicillin, which had been discovered by a Scottish-born physician, Sir Alexander Fleming.

Fleming was the farm boy who helped the member of Parliament on that dark and rainy night in Scotland half a century before. The member of parliament? None other than Winston Churchill’s father, Randolph!

I am sure that we have all heard many fascinating stories similar to this one.

The law of cause and effect is just as sure as the law of gravity. Just as you are persuaded that when you get up in the morning your feet will touch the ground, you can be just as sure that what you give out is exactly what you will get!

"As you give, you get." "What goes around comes around. " "The measure you give will be the measure you get. "

You have all heard many of these expressions. There is no way to get around this law. When we set a cause into motion, we have to be prepared to reap the effect!

Where you sow is not important, what is important is what have you sown? Why, because you must be prepared to receive the same, not necessarily from where you have sown. It can come to you, just as in the story above, from a completely different channel.

If you are concerned about what you have been receiving in your life, it is time you took a serious look at what it is you have been dishing out!

If you plant carrot seeds, you will receive carrots not apples! Same principle applies in our lives. If we sow hate, we will definitely receive hate. If we sow love, we will also definitely receive love. Not necessarily from the same person to whom we have given love. It can come to us from a totally unexpected outlet! What is of importance, is to give!

Everything comes back to us, pressed down, shaken together and running over.

Therefore, give! Give freely with the conviction that somehow, somewhere, it will come back to you.

This is as sure as the law of gravity!

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