Nancy Bergeron

Special Projects

Nancy Bergeron

Mrs. Bergeron counts more than 10 years of experience in the field of distribution, packaging and logistic. She has acquired more than 5 years of experience as logistic manager within a major world organization of CD and DVDs. From a very young age, she has always been eager to express creativity in the visual arts: a field she is passionate about.

Her dynamism combined with her interest in human development and the creating power of the mind, together with her vast experience are great assets to the CVA team. Mrs. Bergeron has been a member of the CVA team since its creation in 2001.

Featured articles

Recipient of the medal of honor from the Lieutenant Governor of Quebec for my work in the business world
Recipient of the medal of honor from the Lieutenant Governor of Quebec for my work in the business world
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Elevate Your Sales Game through Strategic Dialogue and Influence Mastery
Elevate Your Sales Game through Strategic Dialogue and Influence Mastery
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Mastering Team Dynamics
Mastering Team Dynamics
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