Team Coaching

TransformAction Program


TransformACTION will provide your team with long term measurable results.

Transformaction works !
This unique approach effectively stimulates positive change within the team as a whole, and within each individual team member. It also puts in place mechanisms that will support and measure these benefits long after the program is done.

It works because it acts on several different levels at the same time:

  1. We coach the team and each individual team-member
    Each participant attends group seminars and receives individual coaching to support his or her own personal transformation. We help each team-member set and reach personal goals that will support those of the team.
  2. We coach the coach :
    The program includes specialized coaching for team leaders. We train them to be the team's internal coach when the program has ended. This makes the coaching process and all its benefits permanent. Team leaders receive a coaching handbook that is customized for his or her team.
  3. We measure results
    Le programme met en place des processus pour mesurer les résultats de l’équipe et de chacune des personnes. On les utilise tout au long du programme et ils restent en place pour que l’équipe puisse les utiliser après que le programme soit terminé.

Get your team rowing In the same direction!

Most traditional team-building seminars do not have a lasting impact on your team. Their benefits seem to disappear when the course ends.

TransformACTION is a different approach to team building that produces concrete and lasting change. You can expect the following results:

  1. A genuine transformation of your team;
  2. Creation of powerful team synergy;
  3. Changes in individual attitudes and behaviours;
  4. A clear action plan that the whole team is committed to;
  5. Achieving, and even surpassing, measurable goals;
  6. An internal coach who will continue to lead the team once the program is over;
  7. A winning team with a winning attitude!

TranformACTION is custom-designed for your team

Each TransformACTION program is set up to help your team achieve its own specific objectives. The program begins with a diagnostic of your needs, and of the goals you want to reach. We then determine the length and topic areas that fit your requirements.

These topics may include:

  • Creating an abundance of time;
  • Developing listening skills
  • Identifying obstacles and overcoming them;
  • Leadership techniques;
  • Communication techniques; and
  • Other topics that are relevant to your industry and to your team's requirements.

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