From the darkness of the valley of doubt and into the light of manifestation!

From the darkness of the valley of doubt and into the light of manifestation! Taking a transformational journey requires a lot of faith, courage and strength.  It takes effort to stay focussed in the darkness and to stand firm until light appears to show us the path. During this very critical phase of the journey, doubt tries to imprison us, to stop us from pursuing our dreams and our life purpose. More than ever, we must concentrate on the end results. This means focusing on our inner vision and listening to our inner voice. We must trust in these above all else. This is when our light must shine even brighter; when our lighthouse must standfirm even if it is being buffeted by storms and raging seas.  This light must never go out because it not only lights our own path, but the paths of our companions, known and unkown, who travel with us on this incredible journey.

The Discomfort of Not Knowing Where We Are Headed...

Not knowing where we are headed can cause fear and discomfort. Our ego always wants to maintain the illusion that it is in control.  It needs to predict an outcome or a destination. As soon as we let our guard down, it comes rushing into our thoughts, bringing fear and doubt that keep us from staying focussed and continuing our journey.  This is the most critical part of the path, the one where every single step requires a lot of faith and effort.

At this point, the desert and the storms have taken a toll on our energy. We start to wonder if the storm and the darkness will ever end. It's like being stuck inside a dark cocoon. But like for the caterpillar, this time of darkness is mandatory before we break free and emerge into the light, transformed into a beautiful butterfly.

The last part of the journey is also the most difficult for mountain climbers who make it to the top of Everest. Due to the altitude, oxygen becomes less available and each breath is more difficult. Each step takes at least one minute. When we pursue the journey of transformation, we can also feel as if we are not going to make it. We may feel like giving up, we may feel alone and abandoned. This is the period of transition between the old energy of darkness, which we are shedding, and the new energy of light and transformation. A battle seems to be raging within us between a dark side that wants to stay in control, and the light, our true home and our true nature, which is in sync with our higher self.

At this point, more than ever, it is important to have faith, to meditate regularly and to use positive affirmations and denials when fear-based thoughts creep into our minds. Our vision may become blurred and we may see obstacles in our way. We may even get to a point where we feel that our efforts are taking us nowhere and that our life has become stagnant. We may feel we are going around in circles and not getting any closer to our dreams, goals or visions. Even worse, we can lose our focus and feel we've accomplished nothing.

Conquering Fears

As Skip Ross says in his conference, Dynamic Laws of Living, " Fear is evidence of something that appears real."

Fear is a source of energy, but so is love. I invite you to consider that these two energy sources are what we use to co-create, since we are energy ourselves. It has been proven scientifically that we are energy. We are composed of atoms that never die. Atoms will transform but they do not die.

However, when we entertain love-based thoughts, we feel empowered. We feel successful. We are happy. Bottom line: we feel good! When we begin to take control of our thoughts and words, to make sure they support what we truly desire and want, we become the co-creators we were meant to be, and we attract wonderful people, experiences and circumstances that support our growth. Miracles begin to happen and we feel good, strong and positive. And our well-being motivates us to keep creating the lives we truly want and desire.

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