The Leadership Martini!

 The Leadership Martini! This week's recipe is about developing a Leadership AttitudeI absolutely love the title of one of Lee Iacocca's Best Selling Books, which I very much appreciated reading:« Where have all the leaders gone?» You do not have to be in charge of a group or a team to be considered a leader. Every single one of us is the Leader in our own lives. Day in and day out, we have the opportunity to develop a Leadership Attitude. Who amongst us can't improve a little ( or a lot), as a Parent, as a Spouse, as a Friend, as a Partner, as a Citizen, as an Employee or as a Leader?

As always, we invite you to begin applying this week's ingredients. Try and Focus on these for the next seven (7) days. See how a Leadership Attitude can inspire you to take on the projects that you keep postponing and can move you forward into finally making the decisions that you've been wanting to make for a very long time.

This week's Coaching Cocktail Recipe: « The Leadership Martini!»

5 measures of Guiding Principles: ( Are you living according to YOUR Guiding Principles? It takes conscious effort. It takes persistence, it takes courage, it takes a good-size helping of commitment and a ton of self-discipline)

2 measures of Words to Live By: ( Words to live by are JUST WORDS unless you actually live by them! « We could change the world tomorrow if all the millions of people around the world ACTED THE WAY THEY BELIEVE»- Jane Goodall)

1 heaping measure of the GOLDEN RULE: : ( Treat people the way you would like to be treated. Do unto others the way you would have them do unto you! « Golden Rule principles are just as necessary for operating a business profitably as are trucks, typewriters, or twine.» - J.C. Penney 1902)

1 measure each of the Top Three Attitudes: ( 1st: The Contagious Upbeat Outlook: People who exhibit this are generally positive, approachable and cooperative. For them, the glass is always « Half Full». They choose to be Victors instead of Victims. 2nd: The Can-Do Spirit. This mentality consists of: «Give me a task and I'm all over it!» « We can do this!» « Let's Get to It!» Let's become the DOERS of the world! - 3rd and Final:  The Attitude of Gratitude. ) People who appreciate the people they know, the things they have, and the opportunities they're afforded...and they SHOW IT!

GARNISH WITH INTEGRITY ( « Integrity is not a ninety percent thing...either you have it or you don't!» - Peter Scotese) SHAKE DO NOT STIR!
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