The Joyful Martini!

The Joyful Martini! This week's Coaching Cocktail offers you the secret recipe for Joy in your life! This secret consists of connecting with the Joy within you. Outer circumstances, people or situations cannot bring you Joy. These can activate the unlimited wellspring of the Joy within you, but cannot put Joy inside of you. If you look to outer circumstances for your satisfaction cues, you will remain on an emotional seesaw!

If you are waiting for the perfect outer events to bring you true Joy, you may wait a very long time. Would you ever have thought that you can be joyful in the midst of any situation? You can, because joy is your natural state of being. I remember quite a few years ago, when a lot of challenging situations were going on in my life. I was having lunch with a longtime friend. My friend asked me: « How can you be so joyful and bubbly with all that you are presently going through?» My answer was this simple: « I Choose to be Joyful. Knowing that I Am already Joyful   (Joy full), I realize that nothing and no one can remove the Joy that is already within me without my permission!» Joy is a choice and a state of mind! I am very happy to share with you my Joyful everytime.

Try it for the next seven days, and as always, I invite you to share your revelations and insights with us. They are always appreciated!

This week's recipe: « The Joyful Martini!»

3 measures of Happiness: ( Happiness is a heartfelt joy that is consistent, persistent and lasting. Listen to a piece of music that makes you happy, or visualize a happy moment, sing your favourite song... By doing one or quite a few of the above, you will instantly change your mood and activate the wellspring of Joy within you!)

3 measures of Gratefulness: ( Stop and think, make a list of all of the things you should be grateful for. Develop a grateful heart! Any moment, day, or week that you are unhappy, you have chosen to let your focus rest on some thing other than the gifts you have been given. Your unhappiness is an alarm prompting you to redirect your focus and energy towards the wonderful gifts that are now in this very moment present in you life!)

1 measure of Choice: ( Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way. « If you are willing to turn inward to that Power which lies at your very essence, you cannot help but find Joy. It bolsters the soul and strengthens the body. Recognize it in yourself and celebrate it!» - Richard and Mary-Alice Jafolla- the Quest.

2 measures of Praise: ( Practice Praise and Acknowledgement! Praise everyone that have contributed to your wellbeing, to your abundance, to your prosperity, to your growth, to your life. Be lifted to new heights on wings of Joy, and your heart will sing as you radiate that Joy to everyone you meet.)

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