The Great Power of Forgiveness

The Great Power of Forgiveness

If your life is not all that you want it to be, it may be that you have some forgiving to do!

How can I forgive?

The wall of Santa maria delle Grazie, the old church in Milan, are in a ruinous state. It is difficult to discern the fabled painting which the master Leonardo da Vinci brushed into the plaster in 1495, and observers often come away disappointed.

Still, despite its pathetic condition, The Last Supper, remains one of the great art treasures of the world. One cannot help but be especially captivated by the face of Jesus, the focal point of the fresco. Through the peeling paint and faded pigments come feelings which touch the heart of anyone who takes the time to discover them there, feelings brushed onto a plaster wall, standing throughout centuries like silent witnesses to all of the pains as well as all of the joys that humankind can experience.

A significant event occurred while Leonardo was working on the face of Jesus. He had become very angry at someone. While the details have long been lost, we do know that a violent argument took place, during which the artist threatened the man with bodily harm.

When Leonardo resumed his work on the fresco, he did so with a heart full of hatred and resentment. Try as he might, he could not paint the face of Jesus. Over and over, he attempted to apply subtle touches to the wet plaster, only to be frustrated and upset. Something was terribly wrong inside of his heart. Finally realizing that his anger was depriving him of the peace necessary for him to create, the great artist laid aside his brushes and sought out the man to apologize to him and ask his forgiveness. Only after doing that was the master able to return to his work with a loving, peace-filled heart, a heart capable of creating the face of Jesus Christ.

Harboring unforgiveness and resentment in our hearts does not hurt others. It hurts us. It eats away at the soul, filling it with bitterness and blocking the free flow of love, which is the essence of our true nature. Holding grudges and hanging onto anger and hatred are self-destructive. Of that, there is no doubt.

No matter how educated we are in spiritual principles, unless there is complete forgiveness in our lives, we wither and die spiritually, emotionally, and sometimes physically, because we are working in such opposition to our basic nature, which is to love.

Without complete forgiveness, we ultimately deny ourselves access to total healing (emotionally and physically), abundant prosperity, permanent peace, and all of the good which the Universe wants us to experience. Our way is blocked. It's as if we have come up against a stone wall which says: " The Universe's gifts are not available here. Please use gate."

Whatever old baggage of resentment and unforgiveness you have been dragging around must be left outside. Put it down now. Ask the Divine Source within you to reveal what and who needs releasing. If you are unable to do this unconditionally, at least let your Source know that you want to do it. That sincere desire to forgive, will open the gate. Apologize in your heart to anyone, past or present, here or on another plane of existence, whom you have judged as less than a child of the same Divine Source as your own. You will soon feel the enormous rush of freedom and light heartedness take over in your life.

Open the gate wide, friend, and go through to meet your highest good!

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