We are what we do! We acquire a particular quality by constantly acting in a particular way.
We become just by performing just actions, temperate by performing temperate actions, brave by performing brave actions ( Aristotle)
It is entirely about CHARACTER!
C ommitment
H onesty
A ccountability
R espect of ourselves as well as others
A ttitude
C ourage
T ruth
E thics and Integrity
R esponsibility
The Golden rule is till PURE GOLD: Treat people the way you would like to be treated. Do unto others the way you would have them do unto you.So how do we know the difference between a " Heart Centered" Leadership versus a " Ego Drive" Leadership?
- Creating alliances with key people in our organization;
OR Using dishonest persuasion strategies and techniques;
- Using subtle and skilful ways to persuade while remaining humble and honest;
OR Manipulate information as well as people;
- Gain a global vision of all situations;
OR Control the information to our own avantage;
" Golden rule principles are just as necessary for operating a business profitably as are trucks, typewriters, or twine ( J.C. Penney- 1902)
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