The 1st Characteristic of a Successful Company Culture

The 1st Characteristic of  a Successful Company Culture 1ST CHARACTERISTIC: A PURPOSE-DRIVEN COMPANY CULTURE
" Successful company cultures are company cultures in which employees have a clear sense of purpose" . 
No matter how your structure, organization, department, group, section, or organizational chart is delineated, you are all part of a team. This team can be (global) company or focussed ( department, project, etc.)

To fully understand our contribution within this environment, it's important for individuals and teams to thoroughly understand the mission of the company,
which underlies everything that we do. The basis of successful team synergy is establishing the values and mission of the Company in parallel with those of the teams that are part of that company.  Afterwards, the team's values and mission will make up the foundation upon which all employees can build together.

Here is the distinction:

Value: " That which is worthy of regard in a person...a characteristic of that which meets ideal standards for its category, which has quality...
( Petit Robert dictionary- translation)

Mission: " Goal, a task one gives oneself with a feeling of duty...
( Petit Robert dictionary- translation)

Based on the team's fundamental values, as well as those of the company, the team must decide on a clear mission that includes the following elements:

- Here's where we're going
- Here's why we are going there
- These are the people who are coming with us
- Here's how we will get there

Now, it becomes the responsibility of each individual who want to perfect the team, to become involved, personally or professionally, to allow the creation of a win-win relationship.

A win for the team
A win for the Company

And especially, a win for you, as a person. Your are the cornerstone of success!

" Your  Team Mission is your locomotive, your expertise et competencies are your wagons, your fundamental values are your rails."

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