Hero a term used by the philosopher Joseph Campbell, is an archetype of what keeps us moving forward through life. To rediscover the
Hero within you and experience a much better way to live, we invite you to commit to applying the ingredients in this week's Coaching Cocktail for the next 7 days. Please share your insights and experiences with us, these are always appreciated!
This week's Coaching Cocktail recipe: 3 measures of Authenticity : ( Find the qualities that have the deepest meaning in your life, and commit to expressing those qualities no matter what! « The Human Spirit has its own set of rules. In many ways, it is rebellious. The imperative to live life differently, on our own terms, keeps building until it breaks through the surface. It is then up to us not to let if fade away» - Robert K. Cooper)
5 measures of Individual Distinguishing Values: ( What are the five values that best describe or define who you are and what you stand for? Choose any word or phrase to describe each value. Write them down. How deep your roots go and how high your aspirations extend? These can only be found in your heart! How well are you living your values?)
2 measures of Excel: : ( Don't compete, Excel! Star performing individuals make breakthroughs happen in any walk of life or field of eandeavor by focusing on excelling while everyone else is just competing. « According to one study, superior performance not only does NOT REQUIRE competition; it usually seems to require its absence» - Robert K. Cooper)
1 measure of TRUST: : ( Good people just naturally do things that EARN them the trust of others. For trustworthy people, their WORD is their bond.)