The Prosperity Martini!

The Prosperity Martini! If you have to go through hell, make it pay you! Kindness and Truth-Twenty Carat Diamonds of Priceless Worth! - Steven K. Scott, Author of « The Richest Man Who Ever Lived». From the factory floor to the corporate boardroom, honesty can be hard to come by. People assume that because dishonesty often brings short-term advantages, it does not have significant negative consequences over the long term. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Ask the executives of Enron, WorldCom, and Tyco! As always we invite you to commit to applying this week's recipe for the next 7 days. Do not hesitate to share your comments and insights with us, they are always appreciated.

This week's Coaching cocktail: « The Prosperity Martini!» 1 measure of Kindness and  2 measures of Truth:  ( Incalculable Benefits of Making Truth and Kindness part of your life : They create secure and treasured relationships. They provide encouragement and build self-esteem. They increase commitment, loyalty and motivation) « Do not let kindness and truth leave you; bind them around your neck, write them down on the tablet of your heart» - Proverbs 3:3-4

3 measures of Generosity: ( The Quality That Receives More Than It Gives - Being generous means, being focused on meeting the genuine needs of other people, whether with money, deeds, or emotional support or assistance. « One man gives freely, yet gains even more; A generous Man will prosper» - Proverbs 11:24-25

1 measure of Graciousness:  ( The Attribute That Raises You UP in the Sight of Others. « The good news is that graciousness is not a personality type; it's a choice anyone can make. And the first step to becoming gracious is to choose to become grateful»-  Steven K. Scott.  When we are constantly aware that every important thing we have is a gift, it is possible to be gracious to others. Being genuinely grateful, creates within us a gracious spirit!) Crush and use a strainer to eliminate all thoughts of Lack:  (« Every thought of poverty, fear, limitation,worry and doubt is a false image, and every thought, word and act of ours motivated by such thinking constitutes bowing down to "idols" and serving them. As a result, we have unfortunate conditions in life. For every cause and effect takes a severe toll of us» - Georgiana Tree West, Author of Prosperity's Ten Commandments )

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