How to create an unforgettable client experience ?

How to create an unforgettable client experience ? How to develop an inviting way of listening?

True listening is a skill that's developed and mastered. It is one of the most empathetic ways of making someone feel welcome.

How do we develop our ability to listen to the client?

- Through our posture
- Through our attention
- Through our signs and gestures
- Through verbal reinforcement
- Through our curiosity
- Through our openness

Listening means: Making the effort to understand!
Listening means: Showing the willingness to help the client!

This doesn't simply mean talking as little as possible. It especially means that you must stop having a conversation with yourself!

You must stop listening to that " little voice" inside you.

Ask the voice to be quiet for a few minutes, and then be totally present to what the client is sharing with you.

Your inner voice

- Anticipates answers/needs
- Thinks about the next topic
- Judges the relevance of the request
- Is focussed on other things
- Avoids certain questions
- Listens selectively

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