Guiding Principles for Empowering Team Excellence
1st commandment
- For myself and for the perceptions of my team-mates.
- My perception is just that: MY PERCEPTION. I am not in possession of the definitive truth.
2nd commandment
- Conversations are not discussions or monologues. Conversations are an act of sharing.
- No conversations, no relationships. End of the conversations means end of the relationships.
- No relationships, no positive results. I have an impact on my own success and that of my team.
3rd commandment
- The role I play in the team is important.
- Each of my team-mates also plays an important role.
- I cannot accomplish anything alone.
- We all need each other.
4th commandment
- I am not perfect. Therefore, I have no right to demand perfection of others.
- If my brother stumbles, I help him get up. Because if I fall, I want others to help me get back up.
- We are all human beings; we all make mistakes.
5th commandment
- Since I am not perfect, how can I judge or condemn others?
- If someone is different from me, does that give me the right to judge and condemn him for that difference?
- If I need to be right at all costs, I cannot help but make the other person wrong.
6th commandment
- … of perceptions that are different from mine.
- … of what I need to develop.
- … of that I do not have all the answers!
7th commandment
- I am responsible, not only for my own results, but for those of my team as a whole!
- If I blame everything and everyone, I impact on my own growth as well as on that of my team.
- I am not the victim of others or of circumstances. I am fully responsible for my choices, for what I want in any situation, and for the results I achieve.
8th commandment
- I cannot build something solid if my foundation does not have integrity.
- Lack of integrity impacts on the foundation of my team.
- Lack of integrity = loss of power.
- Lack of integrity results in mediocrity.
9th commandment
- If my word is not worth anything, I have nothing of value left!
- If I commit to something, giving up is no longer an option.
- I follow through on my commitments to myself and to my team.
- A lack of commitment leads to great disappointments.
- A lack of commitment has a profound impact on my credibility in the eyes of my team-mates.
- When I do not follow through on my commitments, I lose my self-respect and the respect of others.
10th commandment
- I trust the skills of my team coach.
- I allow others to contribute to my development and growth.
- I am open to others suggestions.
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